Rolling Stroke

The Rolling Stroke golf betting game is a multiple round stroke play game between players, where the players' previous results determine the number of strokes given.

For information on how to setup this game, see the article on  GameBets in 18Birdies.

Basic Rules

After each round, players’ net scores are compared and the difference in strokes is recorded. The player with the lowest net score wins the game. The next time this group plays together, their course handicaps are recalculated based on the previous round’s performance.

Rolling Stroke

The rolling stroke system determines the number of strokes a player gives to, or receives from, the other player for each round by calculating their specific win-loss history between. The number of strokes to be given or received in the next round is constantly being adjusted, based on real outcomes from previous rounds.

Rolling Stroke Adjuster

For every preset number of net strokes one loses after a round, the player will get one additional stroke from the winner for their next round. His number is configurable in game bet setup.

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