AI Swing Analyzer FAQs

AI Swing Analyzer FAQs

Is This Free?
How long does it take to get my analysis?
How do I send this to friends?
How is the Swing Score determined?
Why does it take time to process?
Why is my swing video failing analysis?
Why do you need camera permissions?
Are my videos public or private? Do I need to be connected to WiFi?
Where can I go to see other 18Birdies swings?
Can I skip to other recommended drills?

If you're unable to find an answer below, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at

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Is this free?

AI Swing Analyzer is a feature that requires a premium subscription. If you would like to try the AI Swing Analyzer out, please click here to sign up!

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How long does it take to get my analysis?

On average, your video can take 10 seconds and up to 2 minutes to upload into the analysis queue. 

Once uploaded, the video takes 5 minutes, on average to complete processing through the AI Swing Analyzer. 

Depending on server demand and how many videos are being uploaded at any time, in extreme cases, videos may take up to 30 minutes to complete processing. 

We don't see this happening, but if you begin experiencing unusually long wait times, please reach out to us at

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AI Swing Analyzer will never hold you up on the tee...

While your video is in the processing queue, feel free to check out other areas of the app or get to those work emails – yea, right 😉. 

When your video has completed processing, we'll send you a notification. Simply tap the notification get your analysis and Drill Plan!

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How do I send this to friends?

First, you'll need to download the video.

  1. Open the 18Birdies app.
  2. Tap 'Me' on the bottom menu bar.

  3. Tap AI Swing Analyzer. 

  4. Tap Past Analysis.

  5. Tap the download icon near the top right corner of your video.

The video is downloaded directly to your camera or picture roll. Simply go to your camera roll and share your video through text or any of your social media channels just like you would any other video.

For more information, see our article Download and Share Your Swing Video

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How is the Swing Score determined?

The AI Swing Analyzer uses complex motion detection technology to identify and track multiple elements of your swing.

Your swing elements are compared to professional swing models and given a numerical comparison.

Your Swing Strengths are also displayed with your Swing Score.

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Why does it take time to process?

 We are running intense technology to scan your body and analyze your swing. We are working to improve overall processing time, though there may be some slowing in the early stages as more golfers use the AI Swing Analyzer.

We don't see this happening, but if you begin experiencing unusually long wait times, please reach out to us at

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Why is my swing video failing analysis?

A swing video can fail analysis for many reasons. There are two main reasons why a video might fail; an issue with the recording itself or an issue with the 18Birdies server. 

For more detailed information, please see our article Reasons Why A Swing Video Might Fail Analysis or Processing

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Are my videos public or private?

Your videos are private by default. Videos can only be viewed if you share them or if you post them to the feed. 

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Where can I go to see other 18Birdies swings?

Check the feed! 18Birdies members love to share their swing and if you don’t see one immediately, you should be able to find one by scrolling just a bit.

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Can I skip to other recommended drills?

At any time. The AI Swing Analyzer is designed to recommend drills that have been determined to be most impactful to your game. 

If you want to skip ahead or get a sneak peek at what you’ll be working on next, you can do so at any time.

Check out more information on our article Swing Analysis and Drill Plans

Ready to check it out? Hit the button below to head into the AI Swing Analyzer in the 18Bidies app.

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