GPS Settings

Configuring Your Settings

From the Settings page, you can make adjustments to your Preferences, whether you play with meters or yards, right / left-handed or enable auto hole advance.

Follow these steps to access and edit your GPS settings.

  1. While scoring a round, tap the 'Tools' button to open the tools menu.
  2. Tap 'Settings'.
  3. Tap 'GPS Preferences'.



Toggle between Imperial (feet, yards, miles) and Metric (meters, kilometers).


Toggle between Fahrenheit and Celsius.

Club Direction / Dominant Hand

Toggle between Right-handed and Left-handed club orientation

Club Recommendations

Incorporate Wind Data

Toggle this selection to receive club recommendations with wind data factored into calculations.

Incorporate Elevation Data

Toggle this selection to receive club recommendations with elevation data factored into the recommendation.

Shot History in GPS+

Toggle this selection if you would like the distances your recorded shots were hit to factor into club recommendations.

Sounds awesome, right? Click here to open the app on your device and start your round!

Looking to take your game to the next level?  Download the 18Birdies app today!

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