What Are Tournament Handicap Settings and How Can I Find Them?

Tournaments in 18Birdies offer the following options for using and applying players' handicaps.

Use the Player’s Full Handicap

Selecting the Use Player's Full Handicap option will take the player’s full handicap when scoring for net events.

Use Percentage of Handicap

Tournament organizers can set a percentage of the player’s handicap to be used for scoring a net event.

  • Tap the dropdown menu next to Use player's full handicap and tap Use Percentage of Handicap
  • Use slider bars to select the percentage of handicap desired.

Edit Tournament Handicap

In the Handicap Settings screen, you have the following options:

  • Use the Player's full handicap
    Option to Cap at a maximum value
  • Use Percentage of Handicap
    5% - 100%; Option to cap at a max value
  • No handicap

Once you have started your round, you can adjust handicaps for players in your playing group.

  1. Start your round and Add a Player to your round.
  2. Select a player from the available lists.
  3. Confirm the player is on your scorecard, then tap the player's picture/icon.
  4. Tap Edit Round Handicap, then tap the blue pencil icon to open the number pad. Once entered, tap Confirm.

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