Golf Course Reviews

Did you know that you can share your experiences and submit a review for any golf course in 18Birdies?

In addition to sharing your golf memories with friends, this also helps other 18Birdies golfers learn about courses. Additionally, you can communicate with the golf course by providing feedback on things the course is doing well or suggesting possible areas of improvement.

Submit a Review

  1. Open the app.
  2. Tap Courses.
  3. Use the search bar or other categories to Find Your Course.

  4. Tap the course to open the Course Profile.

  5. Tap the 'Ratings' button to open the course rating page.

  6. Tap Review This Course and then complete the respective fields to complete the review.
  7. Tap Submit Review.

Sounds awesome, right? Click here to open the app on your device and start your round!

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