Reset Password

Have you forgotten or need to change your password? Let’s get you back up and running ASAP!

Forgotten Password

If you have forgotten your password and you are locked out of your account
  1. Open the app and tap Sign In.
  2. Tap Forgot Password.
  3. Enter your email address to reset your password, and press “Submit”. We’ll send a link to your email prompting you to reset your password.
  4. Once you enter the verification code, you will be prompted to create a new password. 

Please note that the reset link expires after 24 hours

If you have forgotten your password but you are logged into your account

You first want to make sure that you have full access to the email account that is associated with your 18Birdies account. To reset your forgotten password, you are going to need to log out of the account and send a Forgot Password reset link to the email account associated with your 18Birdies account. If you do not have access to your email inbox, you run the risk of being permanently locked out of your 18Birdies account.

  1. Open the app and tap Me on the bottom menu bar.
  2. Tap the Gear/Cog Wheel icon in the upper right corner to open App Settings.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and tap Log Out.
  4. You should be taken to the Create Account/ Sign In screen; Tap Sign In.
  5. Tap Forgot Password.
  6. Enter your email address to reset your password, and press “Submit”. We’ll send a link to your email prompting you to reset your password.
  7. Once you enter the verification code, you will be prompted to create a new password.

Please note that the reset link expires after 24 hours

Manage Password

If you are logged into your account and want to change your password:

  1. Open the app and tap Me on the bottom menu bar.
  2. Tap the Gear/ Cog Wheel icon on the upper right corner to open App Settings.
  3. Tap Manage Password.
  4. Enter your current password and then enter the new, desired password directly below.
  5. Tap Done.

When you see the Password Changed popup, tap OK and you're done!


Sounds awesome, right? Click here to open the app on your device and start your round!

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