How to Enable Track Shot and Track Shot Recommendations

Once you have the completed the steps detailed below, the Track Shot feature will save as your default view for future rounds, and you should not need to repeat these steps again.

How to Enable Track Shot Recommendations

  1. When you start a new round tap the Tools icon on the bottom right corner of the GPS screen
  2. Then tap Settings.
  3. Once you are on the Settings page, scroll down and make sure that the toggle next to Track Shot Recommendations is in the ON position.

How to Enable Track Shot and Pin Track Shot to the GPS Screen

Finally, please make sure that the Track Shot option is Pinned to your GPS screen to be able to automatically track the distance from the pin.

  1. This can be found by tapping the Tools icon on the bottom right corner of the GPS screen.
  2. Scroll down then tap the pin icon next to Track Shot.


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