Apple Watch | Tips to Optimize the Apple Watch

The Apple Watch is an amazing piece of technology. With the 18Birdies Apple Watch app, we bring you an easier take on the 18Birdies experience. Now you can score your round, log stats, and get distances directly from the watch!

Here are some tips on optimizing your 18Birdies Apple Watch experience.

Get Your Handicap

Turn on Low Battery Mode

You may see improved battery performance on your Apple Watch while using 18Birdies if you enable Low Battery Mode on your Apple Watch.

  1. Launch the Settings app on your Apple Watch.
  2. Tap Battery.
  3. Tap the Low Power Mode On/Off Switch.
  4. Tap Turn On.


Important Information about the Apple Watch and 18Birdies

Ensure your Apple Watch is updated to the latest watchOS for optimal app functionality - see Apple's support article for updated guidance. 

The app may function on older watchOS versions, but the experience may vary. Check your Apple Watch model here. 

  • GPS distances are based on your watch location, not your phone, providing accuracy without carrying your phone around the course. 
  • Both Bluetooth and cellular watches can utilize this feature, but Bluetooth-only devices need to stay within 10 yards of your phone to avoid disruptions. 
  • Note that GPS distances may differ between your watch and phone app.

Get Your Handicap

Turn off Health and Activity Tracking

Please try this to turn off the Health and Activity tracking on the Apple Watch, which may improve battery performance.

  1. Start a round to enter the GPS screen on the watch.
  2. Long press (Press firmly) to bring up the options menu.
  3. Tap Settings.
  4. Make sure the Watch Health Kit toggle is turned to the 'Off' position.

Other Tips

On the My Watch app on your iPhone, navigate to General to configure your watch hardware settings prior to launching the 18Birdies app in the following configuration to optimize your watch for use with 18Birdies.

Make sure that:

  • Within "Background App Refresh", toggle the first-row and 18Birdies buttons to be ON
  • Within "Wake Screen"->"Return to Clock" is set to "After 1 hour".

Sounds awesome, right? Click here to open the app on your device and start your round!

Looking to take your game to the next level?  Download the 18Birdies app today!

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